Well... I'm going merrily through my way on the Peacock Shawl, row 117, and suddenly I realize things aren't lining up. So I go back to check, and find this:
Now that sucks.... that's at least 3 rows back, which are around 220 stitches each, or a little more, at this point, being double the stitches as per odd-numbered row I'm on. I've already gone back a quarter row, and will come back to it another time now that I've documented it, so I'll remember what went wrong and how to get back there. I considered tinking the few stitches vertically, but with having to put in at least 3 YOs and some other stitches, I'm just gonna head back... good thing it only takes me marginally longer to un-knit than it does to knit on this thing... I've had lots of practice by now. :(