Wednesday, January 03, 2007

98.54 miles to go...

Well, I signed up for the 100 Miles by April 1 challenge, which I needed as a kick in the rear, as I've been neglecting my walking for the last 3 months or so. I went for my first walk today, and one of my regular routes is 1.46 miles, so that's what I did today to warm up. After a week or two, depending on weather, I hope to get up to the 1.8-ish mile route. I figure if I walk every weekday, I can take weekends off and still make the goal.

Edit: Just checked, and it's 105 miles to get to Pictou, Nova Scotia, so I'm going to try for 105 miles by April 1, then hopefully keep adding from there, see how far I can walk this year :D

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